I love Unitarian Universalist worship, whether it is an on-going conversation with a congregation I'm serving or an invitation into the worship life of a congregation as a guest preacher. I have been a guest preacher and worship leader for congregations and UU communities with a variety of sizes and worship styles, both in person and on Zoom. It's a pleasure and a privilege for me to collaborate with lay leaders and religious professionals to craft worship that speaks to the moment we find ourselves in and supports our on-going quest to make meaning and live lives that help make the world more whole. My approach to services integrates words, music, silence, and elements for all ages into a cohesive arc that invites those present to connect with the topic in many ways.
During the summer of 2020 I was part of an online worship service for SUUSI, the Southeast UU Summer Institute, and I coordinated a "summer worship consortium" between nine ministers in eastern Massachusetts, allowing members of the congregations to virtually join one service from each congregation that summer.
On my YouTube channel you can find worship service videos. Many are from the spring of 2020; a few are Zoom services from this past winter. You can also watch an in-person service recording here, of a service I offered while visiting my home congregation in 2019.